Monday, September 1, 2008

Joe Garcia is Here to Win

The Miami Herald -- Julio Sanchez Cristo

It's not hard to guess why Mario Diaz-Balart prefers to avoid Joe Garcia these days. He doesn't want to bump into him at social gatherings at the Versailles Restaurant in Little Havana, much less on the radio, television or here in the Herald. Things happen when, after so many years of a family holding political power, all of a sudden, there is fatigue of the repeated speeches, the passing of days, generational shifts or the moment of political realignment in the country sounds several alarms that warn that the trendy word, change, is not only coming to the White House, but to the Congress as well. And this is going to happen to good ol' Joe.

Let's go piece by piece. Nepotism, regardless how nice the brothers of a dynasty may be, creates antipathy, whether it be in Florida, California, Texas, China or Vietnam. You also have to add that the same anti-Castro focus of the ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s, no longer resonates in 2008. On the contrary, there is a boomerang effect, and you can no longer duck your head or use the same old story that generated votes in the past. Cuban-American voters clearly want change in their homeland, along with liberty and democracy, so they can once again breathe the breeze that stayed behind in Havana's piers. There is no disagreement on this issue, but alongside this exiled voting bloc, there is now a new voter. There is the young Cuban American that was born in the United States, and despite the love he may have for the grandparents and uncles he may or may not have met, he has a different vision of the problem. His origins may be in Cuba, but his school, university, wife, kids and future are in the United States. His first language is English, and he almost doesn't understand the rhetoric that dates back four decades of exiles talking about the death of the tyrant or the fall of the regime.

These young Cuban-Americans are affected by the drama of their peers, and the nostalgia less than 90 miles from Florida, but what they're more interested in is that a young politician, that speaks their language, is ready to solve their daily problems here in the United States. This has been the focus of Mr. Garcia's campaign. Aside from this generational dilemma, the Diaz-Balarts' and Ms. Ros-Lehtinen's problem, is that their Democratic opponents for Congress have surfaced while the country has been inspired by the optimistic change that Barack Obama signifies. During such a political climate, the standard-bearers of exile politics represent the exact opposite.

Some things happen when a candidate arrives that was born on Miami Beach; has longer hair; is known for being a good guy; is linked to the University of Miami; is well prepared; and close to various groups of Cuban Americans, prefers to speak less about the 'Cuba libre' we all want, and focuses more on speaking to voters, whose lives are committed to the country we live in, about pocket-book issues and their daily lives.

I'm not sure if there will be a electoral dethroning of the congressional Republicans, but what is felt in forums, letters to the media and in polls is that change is not only a perception, but rather a real possibility, with a candidate that shows personal respect toward his opponents and thinks they are not efficient and that the time for another option is now. Certain things happen when a veteran politician that follows the line of Diaz-Balart begins to understand that we find ourselves in a year where China changes, and that Florida will not be an island in this cry for change, and that's why he'll find every possible excuse not to be in the same place where he may have to debate, confront or analyze his rival. Joe Garcia is here to win.


Ama said...

Very encouraging. It is time that due is really challenged with the rightful option. The Joe Garcia "snowball effect" is coming. Go Joe!

Fantomas said...

Como van esas encuestas Joe?

Anonymous said...

Te felicito.

Martha said...

Go Joe...
State Senator Nan Rich reminds us that you will be good for West Kendall, and share her district out here...Hope to meet you at our Kendall Federation Of Homeowner's Associations and other forums out here... Keep up the good work and thanks for giving us a great option this year...I enjoyed reading about you...

Anonymous said...

Joe, we finally have a great democrat and an inherently Good Person running for our House seat in our district. Wish you all the best and am one of your most loyal and outspoken supporters. Let's remove the Diaz-Balarts from the US political arena. Their day has past us all, it's time to move on and focus on the United States of America politics.

Good Luck

Anonymous said...

OK, where's my "Republican for Joe Garcia" shirt. Please offer these in men's and women's sizes (and baby T's for the college girls). The back can say "OK, even I think it's time for a change". See you at the press conference.

Anonymous said...

I am a Peter Pan alumnus.. been here 47 years ..and while I want liberty and freedom for Cuba , I also want my children and grandchildren to live the American dream.. My district has no representation in Washington..Rubber stamping mandates from the Republican hierarchy is not good enough for me..I want a servant who puts our needs, concerns and deals with the tough issues as an independent thinker and doer..How about investing in our district before we go off liberating half the world ?
Jose R Delgado